1. Introduction

Welcome to Shopchat. We respect your privacy and are committed to safeguarding your personal data. This privacy policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your personal data. By using our services, you consent to the collection and use of your information as described in this policy.

2. Personal Data Collection

We may collect the following personal data:

  • Name and surname

  • Email address

  • Phone number

  • Store addresses

  • Details about stores

  • Chats with users to improve our AI capabilities

  • Location data

3. Use of Personal Data

We use the data we collect to provide, improve, and maintain our services, which includes:

  • Offering personalized content and information

  • Communicating with users about features, products, and services

  • Enhancing the safety and security of our products

  • Verifying user information

  • Conducting research and development

4. Third-Party Service Providers

We partner with third-party service providers that provide us with services and functionality. We share limited information with these third parties:

  • Google Analytics: Merchant behavior tracking

  • Mixpanel: Merchant behavior & usage tracking

  • OpenAI: Large language model

  • Gadget.dev: Backend cloud hosting

  • Other: Other services that help us provide our services to you

5. Data Security

All details, including your personal information, are safe with us. We implement the latest security measures to ensure the confidentiality of your data. We never share, sell, or distribute your data to any third parties outside of the aforementioned third-party service providers without your consent, except as required by law.

6. International Data Transfers

Given that we are based in the NL and provide our services globally, your personal information may be processed outside the country where you live, such as United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe. We undertake to respect all applicable data protection laws and regulations wherever we operate.

7. Your Rights

Depending on where you are located, you may have certain rights concerning your data:

  • Access: You have the right to request access to any personal data we hold about you.

  • Correction: You have the right to ask us to correct any inaccurate personal data about you.

  • Deletion: You can ask us to delete or remove personal data where there is no good reason for us to continue to process it.

8. Changes to this Policy

We may update our privacy policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and if the changes are significant, we will notify you through email or through our services.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at yaad@shopchat.io

Convert Shopify visitors
into buyers using AI

Convert Shopify visitors into buyers using AI

Convert Shopify visitors
into buyers using AI

Shopchat integrates ChatGPT 4 with Shopify, promptly answering customer queries and recommending products to boost revenue directly in your storefront.

Shopchat integrates ChatGPT 4 with Shopify, promptly answering customer queries and recommending products to boost revenue directly in your storefront.

Shopchat integrates ChatGPT 4 with Shopify, promptly answering customer queries and recommending products to boost revenue directly in your storefront.

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